Brands and Direct Marketing

10/22/2015 Felix Gaspard 5 Comments

For the GIF's, please wait for the first loop and enjoy !
Today, we will discuss how these companies keep the customer in contact via the alerts and the promotion that customers (or future ones) are following and how they are applying their Direct Marketing Strategy to maintain their expansion in the targeted market of each.

It’s been more than one month that i’m following these companies, and just with this material, I can say a lot about how they are using « newsletters » to provide promotion, events or just to keep contact with the target market. In order to analyze and understand the direct marketing strategy of each company, let’s start to make a quantitative study of the email i’ve received since September.

Frequency of Newsletters and Google Alert received in my own mail box since September 2015

Frequency table for each brands i'm following (From top to bottom : Asos; Withings; Spotify)
What these data tell us 

First of all, we can see that there is a gap between the amount of email i've received from Asos and the two other companies. With 48 email, Asos and Google sent me nearly the double of what Withings sent itself, and, 5 times more than Spotify. For me, the reason is quite clear : Asos have the advantage to follow the clothes fashion trends. Everything is a plea to send email. New trends (always moving), seasons, recurring events (New Year, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Holidays, Back to School ect ...) and the most important of all : Winter and Summer Sales. Each period of the year could be the perfect time to have a new look. In term of email design, Asos also the trend. Colored, simple, with a catchy slogan and highlighted information. 

"Winter is coming" Below, one of the discount to "fight against cold" i've received from Asos Newsletter. (Sorry it's in French)
 Now the question i'm wondering is why Spotify didn't do the same ? 
Here is the typical exemple of what kind of email i've received from Spotify : 

Spotify ® is focused on three types of email promotion : 

Spotify Premium ® : Spotify operates a freemium model. It's means that Users subscribe for free get ads between tracks which are part of the Spotify revenue model. Users of the free service encounter audio ads every five or six songs, or approximately three minutes of advertising for every hour of listening.) The mail i've received promotes a free trial for Spotify Premium including no ads, a better quality, and a "offline mode". Spotify Premium is $9,99 and represents the other part of the Spotify Revenue Model.

Partnership : Spotify & Chromecast.  Spotify is sending messages about some new features from a recent partnership made. With Chromecast, Spotify is now available on television and THAT is making the experience much more attractive for users. We can also mention Bose as one of the partner of Spotify, Starbucks, SFR (in France) and recently Spotify made a partnership with one of the company i'm discussing in this blog : Withings ! (Click on the links to learn more about these partnerships) 

Personalized marketing or One to One marketing : Whereas product differentiation tries to differentiate a product from competing ones, personalization tries to make a unique product offering for each customer. This is a form of marketing who's becoming more and more develop. Spotify uses your personal information in order to spot which artist you like, which band it's been a long time you didn't listen, your country ect ... Does Spotify have the right to use my personal information to spot the most effective promotion for me ?  Yes, it can  

In term of quantity, it's obvious that Spotify have the "worst" score of promotion sent, but, for me, the direct marketing of Spotify is the better in term of quality. The information that Spotify promotes have a real influence in the customer behavior. 
Moreover, i've got the personal feeling that people are more able to read an advertising which is more rare, than one which often repeats. 

Now, lets talk about Withings Direct marketing strategy.  

Withings have a really simple but quite efficience direct marketing strategy to promote their products. New products, New features and sometimes events are basically sent to the customers. But, where Withings is different, is that there is a blog which is often updated. That keep users update about the Whitings direction.

About the CAN-SPAM

Note : While the European rule is based on the opt-in , meaning that it is imperative that the consumer has given permission for it to receive emails for commercial characters. The CAN-SPAM Act requires senders to unsubscribe (Opt -out ) an email address if the user requests it . This means that in the US , companies have the right to send commercial email to anyone until it objects.
I 've tried to find policy information about these three companies, and, it seems that they are all using the European rule (Opt-in) even for the US website, for example, for Spotify (who's a Swedish company) you have the choice to check or not if you want to share data for marketing purposes :
Spotify French registration page 
 Spotify US registration page
To conclude, I think that these emailing strategies are quite efficience, they all have a good esthetic shapes in the era of time, they are really well focused on what the user expect to have as information, at the right time we wanted to have these information. They are using NTIC to develop new model (One to one marketing with Spotify),  I think that Withings have to be a little bit more present by emailing, because, the blog don't have enough visibility to be a real, and efficience way for Direct Marketing. 

For the GIF's, please wait for the first loop and enjoy ! Today, we will discuss how these companies keep the customer in contact...

5 commentaires:

  1. نؤمن لكم سمعة افضل شركة تصميم مواقع في الكويت إلكترونية مميزة بأقل وقت شركات السوشيال ميديا فى السعودية ومقابل، نزودكم باستشارات تسويقية افضل شركة تصميم مواقع فى السعودية وإنتاجية فعالة، نمدكم بنصائح شركات التسويق الالكتروني في الكويت مؤثرة في مجال ترشيد النفقات افضل شركة تصميم مواقع في جدة وتحديد سعر وشكل المنتج النهائي، نساعدكم افضل شركة تسويق الكترونى فى السعودية على اختيار اسم الـ Brand الخاص بكم في حال افضل شركة تصميم مواقع في مصر رغبتم بذلك، نمنحكم الصدارة على محركات شركات تسويق الكتروني في الامارات البحث، ونبرز حضوركم على صفحات التواصل افضل شركة تصميم مواقع فى الرياض الاجتماعي كوننا افضل شركات السوشيال شركات تصميم مواقع في السعوديه ميديا فى السعودية ، وقبل كل هذا نضع منتجاتكم وخدماتكم نصب افضل شركة تصميم مواقع في الامارات أعين وفي أذهان المستهلك شركات تصميم مواقع الانترنت فى مصر طوال الوقت قبل الشراء افضل شركة تسويق الكترونى ,لا نكتفي أبداً بما حققنا من نجاحات،

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